VIVRS has worked with employers across the community to increase their productivity and build successful teams that mirror the diversity in the community.
VIVRS supports employers in the following ways;
PRE-SCREENED and JOB READY APPLICANTS – At VIVRS we provide employers prescreened applicants who are ready to work, and who understand their own skill set.
SUPORTED INTERVIEW AND SCREENING PROCESSES – To assist the employer with understanding how to get the best and most pertinent information from applicants with all kinds of diverse-abilities.
WORK EXPERIENCE PLACEMENTS – We work with employers to provide clients unpaid work experience opportunities. This short-term work experience placement is a valuable assessment opportunity for the job seeker, our team, and the employer.
FINANCIAL SUPPORTS FOR EMPLOYEE JOB STARTS – We provide financial assistance to job seekers to assist with the transition back to work including transportation supports, clothing, shoes, and equipment, and short-term training certification such as food safe, or first aid. Our job seekers will be fully equipped with their essential supplies when they begin their employment.
ON THE JOB SUPPORT – We want our job seekers to be successful, and we want employers to value the service we provide. We assist employers by providing on the job support for our clients while they are learning their job. Additionally, we provide off site coaching for the employee to promote long term success in the workplace.
JOB SUSTAINMENT SUPPORT- VIVRS job seekers are supported for additional 52 weeks after becoming connected to employment. We recognize that returning to work may have unexpected impacts for individuals we are working with. To support long term success, we continue to maintain a connection with the employee and the employer for 52 weeks after the hire. Should issues arise on site, or outside of the workplace that may impact employment we are there to provide the extra support needed for the employee to be successful.
If you are an employer who has a current staff member who could benefit from job sustainment support to maintain their employment, please advise them to contact us for an intake appointment. We will work with you and the employee to support on the job success.
Valuing inclusion and diversity means making workplaces more accessible to individuals with diverse abilities. We know that many employers want to build a more inclusive staff compliment but lack the confidence to build a more diverse ability friendly staffing structure. VIVRS provides the expert support for companies to assist employers with finding ways to build the diversity into the workforce.
VIVRS recognizes that employers are in business to meet their own objectives. We believe in real for real pay. We look for creative ways to carve jobs for our clients that will either;
The community is better, and businesses are healthier when individuals of all abilities are included in the economic structure as employees and consumers. We want to assist employer who value diversity with building a successful team that is reflective of the diverse community we live in.
If you are an employer and you wish to explore working with us, you can reach out to us in one of our two locations:
In Nanaimo
Phone: 250-753-4225
In Courtenay
Phone: 250-334-3119
"Plates Eatery & Catering Co. had the opportunity to work with Vancouver Island Vocational Rehabilitation Services through a work experience at our establishment, with one of their clients. We were very pleased with the outcome as we were able to hire a new staff member to work in our kitchen at the end of the work experience. The VIVRS Counselor came on a regular basis to ensure that everything was going well with us and the VIVRS client.... we would be willing to work with VIVRS again in the future to ensure that others with disabilities have the opportunity to enter or re-enter the workforce."
- S. Swing, Owner, Plates Eatery & Catering Co. Courtenay
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